Working Papers

If you are under the age of 18, you need working papers to be legally able to work and get a paycheck.

Working paper forms may be picked up in the guidance office and are available on the link below.

In order to process working papers, the following is needed:

1.   Student completes personal information on the form and brings the form to their employer.

2.  Your parent/guardian must sign authorization on the form.

3.  Employer completes the employment information & signs & dates the promise of employment.

4.  The physician's certification is signed by a physician.  If you had a physical in school for sports, this will count.  The nurse can sign the physician's certificate if you had a physical done in school.

5.  You need proof of age - birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate, etc.  The School Issuing Officer needs to see these.  If there is a copy in  your school folder, we can look that up.  If there is not, you will need to bring in the documentation.

6.    Bring the form (with all the above completed) to the main office for the principal's signature and completion of the school record portion.

7.  Once steps 1-6  are completed - bring the form (and proof of age if needed) to the guidance office secretaries who will complete the LAST STEP - issuing officer certification.  

HERE IS the working paper form:   WORKING PAPERS