


lease report your child’s absence
to Health Office by 9:00 am
There is a 24-hour answering machine on Nurse’s line.
(973) 853-4488  
State your child's name, days he/she will be absent,
and reason for absence.


Notes can be sent to Nurse for planned absences. 
Make sure you address note to the Nurse
as she keeps final attendance. 
You may send in Doctor's Note
for your child's absence to be "Excused" in the records.


   If we do not hear from you, the school will attempt to reach you. 
This measure is to ensure your child is safe. 
Your call to school is greatly appreciated! 
Working together helps to keep 
all our students safe.


Late Arrivals


Students arriving after 8:35 are considered late.
A parent/caregiver MUST escort child to front door,
sign in, and pick up a late pass.  
Please do NOT drop them off outside. 
Students who do not do this may remain marked absent for the day.
It is the Nurse who records final attendance.





 Homework requests MUST be made to the Classroom Teacher.
Please call/email this request
directly to your child's teacher