West Milford Township Public Schools

Welcome to IXL!

At school.           At home.           Learning any time. 
West Milford Public Schools is delighted to offer IXL.com as a comprehensive, standards-aligned mathematics program for all grades and English language arts for students in grades 2-6 with unlimited practice in thousands of skills.  
To get practice, track your success, and earn awards, enter your username and password on this page and click "Sign in." If you do not know your username or password, please ask your teacher.  
After signing in, click the Practice tab to select skills to practice. You can place your mouse over any skill to see a sample question. Or, click the Awards tab to begin conquering challenges and uncovering prizes! 
PARENTS/Guardians - you can encourage your student's success by entering your email address for student reports under the Profile and Settings link on your student's home page.   
IXL.com - Working together to make NUMERACY and LITERACY skills a priority in West Milford!